

%cd ..
import testing
import contextlib
import tvm
import tvm.testing

from tvm import te
from tvm.arith import ConstIntBound

NEG_INF = ConstIntBound.NEG_INF
POS_INF = ConstIntBound.POS_INF

class TestCase:
    def __init__(self, expr, expected_bounds, known_bounds=None, constraint=None):
        self.expr = expr
        self.expected_bounds = expected_bounds
        if known_bounds is None:
            self.known_bounds = {}
            self.known_bounds = known_bounds

        self.constraint = constraint

    def __name__(self):
        return str(self.expr)

class BaseCompare:
    def test_const_bounds(self, test_case):
        analyzer = tvm.arith.Analyzer()

        for var, bounds in test_case.known_bounds.items():
            analyzer.update(var, ConstIntBound(*bounds))

        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            if test_case.constraint is not None:

            bounds = analyzer.const_int_bound(test_case.expr)

        if test_case.expected_bounds[0] is None:
            assert bounds.max_value == test_case.expected_bounds[1]
        elif test_case.expected_bounds[1] is None:
            assert bounds.min_value == test_case.expected_bounds[0]
            assert (bounds.min_value, bounds.max_value) == test_case.expected_bounds
class TestDataType(BaseCompare):
    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(te.var("x", dtype="int64"), (NEG_INF, POS_INF)),
        TestCase(te.var("x", dtype="int8"), (-128, 127)),
        TestCase(te.var("x", dtype="uint8"), (0, 255)),
        TestCase(te.size_var("x", dtype="int32"), (0, POS_INF)),

class TestCastBound(BaseCompare):
    x = te.var("x", dtype="int8")
    tmod = tvm.tir.truncmod

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(tmod(x, 3).astype("uint32"), (0, 2)),
        TestCase(tmod(x, 3).astype("float32").astype("int32"), (-2, 2)),

class TestAddSubBound(BaseCompare):
    x = te.var("x", "int64")
    y = te.var("y", "int64")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(x + y, (NEG_INF, POS_INF)),
        TestCase(x + y, (1, 14), known_bounds={x: (0, 4), y: (1, 10)}),
        TestCase(x - y, (-10, 3), known_bounds={x: (0, 4), y: (1, 10)}),
        TestCase(x - y, (-10, POS_INF), known_bounds={x: (0, POS_INF), y: (1, 10)}),
        TestCase(1 - x, (NEG_INF, 1), known_bounds={x: (0, POS_INF), y: (1, 10)}),

@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not currently supported")
class TestBoundsUsingReciprocals(BaseCompare):
    """Special handling for differences of reciprocals

    These terms can appear when comparing the number of operations for
    different orderings of matrix multiplications, with A, B, and C
    known to be positive values.

    In these cases, comparing `(A+B)*C < A*B` is equivalent to
    `1/A + 1/B < 1/C`.  Working in terms of the reciprocals
    allows the ConstIntBound analyzer to provide a tighter
    bound for these differences than would otherwise be

    For `(A+B)*C - A*B`, the normal bottom-up integer bounds are unable to
    provide the bounds required to provide these inequalities, because they
    treat the terms as uncorrelated.  That is, they assume that `(A+B)*C` may
    achieve its minimum while `A*B` simultaneously achieves its maximum.

    A, B, C = [te.var(letter, "int64") for letter in "ABC"]

    symmetric_bounds = {A: (1, 4095), B: (1, 4095), C: (2048, 2048)}
    asymmetric_bounds = {A: (1, 1024), B: (1, POS_INF), C: (2048, 2048)}

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase((A + B) * C - A * B, (2048, None), known_bounds=symmetric_bounds),
        TestCase((A + B) * C - B * A, (2048, None), known_bounds=symmetric_bounds),
        TestCase(A * B - (A + B) * C, (None, -2048), known_bounds=symmetric_bounds),
        TestCase(B * A - (A + B) * C, (None, -2048), known_bounds=symmetric_bounds),
        TestCase((A + B) * C - A * B, (2048, None), known_bounds=asymmetric_bounds),
        TestCase((A + B) * C - B * A, (2048, None), known_bounds=asymmetric_bounds),
        TestCase(A * B - (A + B) * C, (None, -2048), known_bounds=asymmetric_bounds),
        TestCase(B * A - (A + B) * C, (None, -2048), known_bounds=asymmetric_bounds),

class TestMulBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(x * y + 20, (0, 60), {x: (-2, 4), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(x * y, (-32, 24), {x: (-3, 4), y: (-8, 2)}),
        TestCase(x * y, (NEG_INF, POS_INF), {x: (NEG_INF, 4), y: (-8, 2)}),

class TestTruncDivBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")

    expr = tvm.tir.truncdiv(x, y)

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(expr, (-2, None), {x: (-9, 4), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(expr, (-4, 9), {x: (-9, 4), y: (-2, 0)}),
        TestCase(expr, (NEG_INF, POS_INF), {x: (NEG_INF, 4), y: (-2, 1)}),
        TestCase(expr, (-9, 9), {x: (-9, 4), y: (-4, 12)}),

class TestTruncModBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")

    expr = tvm.tir.truncmod(x, y)

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(expr, (-9, 4), {x: (-9, 4), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(expr, (-9, 9), {x: (NEG_INF, POS_INF), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(expr, (0, 9), {x: (1, POS_INF), y: (4, 10)}),

class TestFloorDivBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")
    ux = te.var("x", dtype="uint32")
    uy = te.var("y", dtype="uint32")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(x // y, (-9 // 4, None), {x: (-9, 4), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(x // y, (-4, 9), {x: (-9, 4), y: (-2, 0)}),
        TestCase(x // y, (NEG_INF, POS_INF), {x: (NEG_INF, 4), y: (-2, 1)}),
        TestCase(x // y, (-9, 9), {x: (-9, 4), y: (-4, 12)}),
        TestCase(ux // uy, (0, 4), {ux: (1, 4), uy: (0, 12)}),

class TestFloorModBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(x % y, (0, 9), {x: (-9, 4), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(x % y, (0, 9), {x: (NEG_INF, POS_INF), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(x % y, (0, 9), {x: (1, POS_INF), y: (4, 10)}),

class TestMinMaxBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(tvm.te.min(x, y), (-9, 10), {x: (-9, 11), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(tvm.te.min(x, y), (NEG_INF, 10), {x: (NEG_INF, POS_INF), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(tvm.te.max(x, y), (4, POS_INF), {x: (NEG_INF, POS_INF), y: (4, 10)}),
        TestCase(tvm.te.max(x, y), (4, POS_INF), {x: (1, POS_INF), y: (4, 10)}),

class TestSelectBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
            tvm.tir.Select(x > 1, (y < 0).astype("int32"), y + 1),
            (0, 11),
            {x: (-9, 11), y: (4, 10)},

class TestShiftAndBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(x >> y, (-3, 2), {x: (-9, 11), y: (2, 10)}),
        TestCase(x & y, (0, 10), {x: (-9, 11), y: (2, 10)}),
        TestCase(x & y, (0, 10), {x: (10, 11), y: (2, 10)}),

class TestMixIndexBound(BaseCompare):
    x, y = te.var("x"), te.var("y")
    tdiv = tvm.tir.truncdiv
    tmod = tvm.tir.truncmod

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(tmod(x, 8) + tdiv(x, 8) * 8, (0, 24 - 1), {x: (0, 24 - 1), y: (0, 3 - 1)}),
        TestCase(y + x * 3, (0, 24 * 3 - 1), {x: (0, 24 - 1), y: (0, 3 - 1)}),
            tmod(x, 7) + tdiv(x, 7) * 7, (0, (23 // 7) * 7 + 6), {x: (0, 24 - 1), y: (0, 3 - 1)}

class TestLetBound(BaseCompare):
    x = te.var("x")
    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(tvm.tir.Let(x, 1, x + 1), (2, 2)),

class TestFloorModNegativeDivisor(BaseCompare):
    flm, fld = tvm.te.floormod, tvm.te.floordiv
    a, b = te.var("a"), te.var("b")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(a % b, (-4, 6), {a: (0, 6), b: (-5, 7)}),

class TestDivModAssumeNoZeroDivisor(BaseCompare):
    """Divmod non negative expression makes assumption that divide by
    zero won't occur this assumption is important to get best result
    from symbolic shape programs

    a, b = te.var("a"), te.var("b")

    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(a // b, (0, 6), {a: (0, 6), b: (0, POS_INF)}),
        TestCase(a % b, (0, 6), {a: (0, 6), b: (0, POS_INF)}),

class TestMultipleCondition(BaseCompare):
    a = te.var("a")
    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
            a % 58 - 1,
            (0, None),
            known_bounds={a: (0, 128)},
            constraint=tvm.tir.all(1 <= a % 58, a % 58 < 57),

class TestBroadcastBound(BaseCompare):
    a = te.var("a")
    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(tvm.tir.Broadcast(a, 4), (0, 128), {a: (0, 128)}),

class TestRampBound(BaseCompare):
    a = te.var("a")
    test_case = tvm.testing.parameter(
        TestCase(tvm.tir.Ramp(a, 2, 4) + 2, (2, 128 + 2 * 3 + 2), {a: (0, 128)}),