- K-Fold Cross Validation with Ultralytics
- Introduction
- Setup
- Generating Feature Vectors for Object Detection Dataset
- K-Fold Dataset Split
- Save Records (Optional)
- Train YOLO using K-Fold Data Splits
- Conclusion
- What is K-Fold Cross Validation and why is it useful in object detection?
- How do I implement K-Fold Cross Validation using Ultralytics YOLO?
- Why should I use Ultralytics YOLO for object detection?
- How can I ensure my annotations are in the correct format for Ultralytics YOLO?
- Can I use K-Fold Cross Validation with custom datasets other than Fruit Detection?
- Ultralytics YOLO Hyperparameter Tuning Guide
- Introduction
- Preparing for Hyperparameter Tuning
- Steps Involved
- Usage Example
- Results
- Conclusion
- How do I optimize the learning rate for Ultralytics YOLO during hyperparameter tuning?
- What are the benefits of using genetic algorithms for hyperparameter tuning in YOLO11?
- How long does the hyperparameter tuning process take for Ultralytics YOLO?
- What metrics should I use to evaluate model performance during hyperparameter tuning in YOLO?
- Can I use Ultralytics HUB for hyperparameter tuning of YOLO models?
- Ultralytics Docs: Using YOLO11 with SAHI for Sliced Inference
- Introduction to SAHI
- What is Sliced Inference?
- Installation and Preparation
- Standard Inference with YOLO11
- Sliced Inference with YOLO11
- Handling Prediction Results
- Batch Prediction
- Citations and Acknowledgments
- How can I integrate YOLO11 with SAHI for sliced inference in object detection?
- Why should I use SAHI with YOLO11 for object detection on large images?
- Can I visualize prediction results when using YOLO11 with SAHI?
- What features does SAHI offer for improving YOLO11 object detection?
- How do I handle large-scale inference projects using YOLO11 and SAHI?
- YOLO11 🚀 on AzureML
- What is Azure?
- What is Azure Machine Learning (AzureML)?
- How Does AzureML Benefit YOLO Users?
- Prerequisites
- Create a compute instance
- Quickstart from Terminal
- Quickstart from a Notebook
- Explore More with AzureML
- How do I run YOLO11 on AzureML for model training?
- What are the benefits of using AzureML for YOLO11 training?
- How do I troubleshoot common issues when running YOLO11 on AzureML?
- Can I use both the Ultralytics CLI and Python interface on AzureML?
- What is the advantage of using Ultralytics YOLO11 over other object detection models?
- Conda Quickstart Guide for Ultralytics
- What You Will Learn
- Prerequisites
- Setting up a Conda Environment
- Installing Ultralytics
- Using Ultralytics
- Ultralytics Conda Docker Image
- Speeding Up Installation with Libmamba
- What is the process for setting up a Conda environment for Ultralytics projects?
- Why should I use Conda over pip for managing dependencies in Ultralytics projects?
- Can I use Ultralytics YOLO in a CUDA-enabled environment for faster performance?
- What are the benefits of using Ultralytics Docker images with a Conda environment?
- How can I speed up Conda package installation in my Ultralytics environment?
- Docker Quickstart Guide for Ultralytics
- What You Will Learn
- Prerequisites
- Setting up Docker with NVIDIA Support
- Installing Ultralytics Docker Images
- Running Ultralytics in Docker Container
- Running Ultralytics in Docker Container
- Run graphical user interface (GUI) applications in a Docker Container
- How do I set up Ultralytics with Docker?
- What are the benefits of using Ultralytics Docker images for machine learning projects?
- How can I run Ultralytics YOLO in a Docker container with GPU support?
- How do I visualize YOLO prediction results in a Docker container with a display server?
- Can I mount local directories into the Ultralytics Docker container?
- 边缘计算
- Quick Start Guide: Raspberry Pi with Ultralytics YOLO11
- What is Raspberry Pi?
- Raspberry Pi Series Comparison
- What is Raspberry Pi OS?
- Flash Raspberry Pi OS to Raspberry Pi
- Set Up Ultralytics
- Use NCNN on Raspberry Pi
- Convert Model to NCNN and Run Inference
- Raspberry Pi 5 YOLO11 Benchmarks
- Reproduce Our Results
- Use Raspberry Pi Camera
- Best Practices when using Raspberry Pi
- Next Steps
- Acknowledgements and Citations
- How do I set up Ultralytics YOLO11 on a Raspberry Pi without using Docker?
- Why should I use Ultralytics YOLO11's NCNN format on Raspberry Pi for AI tasks?
- How can I convert a YOLO11 model to NCNN format for use on Raspberry Pi?
- What are the hardware differences between Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 5 relevant to running YOLO11?
- How can I set up a Raspberry Pi Camera Module to work with Ultralytics YOLO11?
- Quick Start Guide: NVIDIA Jetson with Ultralytics YOLO11
- What is NVIDIA Jetson?
- NVIDIA Jetson Series Comparison
- What is NVIDIA JetPack?
- Flash JetPack to NVIDIA Jetson
- JetPack Support Based on Jetson Device
- Quick Start with Docker
- Start with Native Installation
- Use TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson
- NVIDIA Jetson Orin YOLO11 Benchmarks
- Reproduce Our Results
- Best Practices when using NVIDIA Jetson
- Next Steps
- How do I deploy Ultralytics YOLO11 on NVIDIA Jetson devices?
- What performance benchmarks can I expect from YOLO11 models on NVIDIA Jetson devices?
- Why should I use TensorRT for deploying YOLO11 on NVIDIA Jetson?
- How can I install PyTorch and Torchvision on NVIDIA Jetson?
- What are the best practices for maximizing performance on NVIDIA Jetson when using YOLO11?
- Ultralytics YOLO11 on NVIDIA Jetson using DeepStream SDK and TensorRT
- What is NVIDIA DeepStream?
- Prerequisites
- DeepStream Configuration for YOLO11
- INT8 Calibration
- MultiStream Setup
- Benchmark Results
- How do I set up Ultralytics YOLO11 on an NVIDIA Jetson device?
- What is the benefit of using TensorRT with YOLO11 on NVIDIA Jetson?
- Can I run Ultralytics YOLO11 with DeepStream SDK across different NVIDIA Jetson hardware?
- How can I convert a YOLO11 model to ONNX for DeepStream?
- What are the performance benchmarks for YOLO on NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX?
- Coral Edge TPU on a Raspberry Pi with Ultralytics YOLO11 🚀
- What is a Coral Edge TPU?
- Boost Raspberry Pi Model Performance with Coral Edge TPU
- Edge TPU on Raspberry Pi with TensorFlow Lite (New)⭐
- Prerequisites
- Installation Walkthrough
- Export your model to a Edge TPU compatible model
- Running the model
- What is a Coral Edge TPU and how does it enhance Raspberry Pi's performance with Ultralytics YOLO11?
- How do I install the Coral Edge TPU runtime on a Raspberry Pi?
- Can I export my Ultralytics YOLO11 model to be compatible with Coral Edge TPU?
- What should I do if TensorFlow is already installed on my Raspberry Pi but I want to use tflite-runtime instead?
- How do I run inference with an exported YOLO11 model on a Raspberry Pi using the Coral Edge TPU?
- Quick Start Guide: Raspberry Pi with Ultralytics YOLO11
- Triton Inference Server with Ultralytics YOLO11
- What is Triton Inference Server?
- Prerequisites
- Exporting YOLO11 to ONNX Format
- Setting Up Triton Model Repository
- Running Triton Inference Server
- How do I set up Ultralytics YOLO11 with NVIDIA Triton Inference Server?
- What benefits does using Ultralytics YOLO11 with NVIDIA Triton Inference Server offer?
- Why should I export my YOLO11 model to ONNX format before using Triton Inference Server?
- Can I run inference using the Ultralytics YOLO11 model on Triton Inference Server?
- How does Ultralytics YOLO11 compare to TensorFlow and PyTorch models for deployment?
- Thread-Safe Inference with YOLO Models
- Understanding Python Threading
- The Danger of Shared Model Instances
- Thread-Safe Inference
- Conclusion
- How can I avoid race conditions when using YOLO models in a multi-threaded Python environment?
- What are the best practices for running multi-threaded YOLO model inference in Python?
- Why should each thread have its own YOLO model instance?
- How does Python's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) affect YOLO model inference?
- Is it safer to use process-based parallelism instead of threading for YOLO model inference?
- Isolating Segmentation Objects
- Recipe Walk Through
- Full Example code
- How do I isolate objects using Ultralytics YOLO11 for segmentation tasks?
- What options are available for saving the isolated objects after segmentation?
- How can I crop isolated objects to their bounding boxes using Ultralytics YOLO11?
- Why should I use Ultralytics YOLO11 for object isolation in segmentation tasks?
- Can I save isolated objects including the background using Ultralytics YOLO11?
- Viewing Inference Results in a Terminal
- Motivation
- Process
- Example Inference Results
- Full Code Example
- How can I view YOLO inference results in a VSCode terminal on macOS or Linux?
- Why does the sixel protocol only work on Linux and macOS?
- What if I encounter issues with displaying images in the VSCode terminal?
- Can YOLO display video inference results in the terminal using sixel?
- How can I troubleshoot issues with the
- Optimizing OpenVINO Inference for Ultralytics YOLO Models: A Comprehensive Guide
- Introduction
- Optimizing for Latency
- Optimizing for Throughput
- Conclusion
- How do I optimize Ultralytics YOLO models for low latency using OpenVINO?
- Why should I use OpenVINO for optimizing Ultralytics YOLO throughput?
- What is the best practice for reducing first-inference latency in OpenVINO?
- How do I balance optimizing for latency and throughput with Ultralytics YOLO and OpenVINO?
- Can I use Ultralytics YOLO models with other AI frameworks besides OpenVINO?