Putting the VM in TVM: The Relay Virtual Machine#

Relay, a new program representation, has enabled the representation and optimization of a great breadth of machine learning programs. Unfortunately, by supporting a more expressive set of programs, we have introduced several new execution challenges.

Relay’s interpreter can execute the full language but has notable limitations that make it unsuited for production deployments. It is structured as an inefficient interpreter that performs AST traversal to execute the program. This approach is conceptually simple but inefficient, as the AST traversal heavily relies on indirection.

There are further challenges in compiling dynamic code, such as dynamic scheduling and allocation, fully dynamic tensor shapes, and control flow. The interpreter offers simple solutions for these, but none is sufficiently compelling or optimized.

The second execution mechanism is the existing graph executor. In order to target Relay programs to this, we compile a small subset of them to the old graph format and execute them on the runtime. Graph executor provides a fast execution experience but only for a very limited subset of Relay programs.

An alternative but not-standard approach is Relay’s ahead-of-time compiler, which compiles a Relay program into a shared library containing an ahead-of-time implementation. The ahead-of-time compiler provides compelling performance but is difficult to extend and instrument, which can only be done by modifying the code generation and optimization mechanisms.

The Relay virtual machine is intended to be a framework that balances these competing approaches, providing a dynamic execution environment which can be extended, instrumented, and integrated with other approaches like ahead-of-time compilation via a flexible extension mechanism.

The virtual machine is designed to strike a balance between performance and flexibility when deploying and executing Relay programs, without giving up the benefits of TVM.

Virtual machine (VM) design is a well-studied area in programming languages and systems, and there have been various virtual machine designs for both full-fledged and embedded programing languages. Previous language VM designs have been heavily tailored to the execution profile of traditional programs. Traditional programs manipulate small scalar values and consist of a large number of low-level instructions. The sheer quantity of instructions requires instruction execution and dispatch to be extremely efficient. In the context of machine learning we manipulate primarily tensor values, using a (relatively) low number of high level instructions. ML programs’ cost centers are expensive operator invocations, such as GEMM or convolution, over a large input. Due to the execution profile exhibited by ML programs, micro-optimizations present in scalar VMs are dramatically less important.

TVM has provided strong support for vision models, but we want to grow to support a wider variety of models. The graph executor is able to utilize the fully static nature of the input graphs to perform aggressive optimization such as fully static allocation, and optimal memory reuse. When we introduce models which make use of control flow, recursion, dynamic shapes, and dynamic allocation, we must change how execution works. A virtual machine for Relay is a natural choice.

The rest of this document provides a high-level overview of the Relay virtual machine design and its instruction set.


The VM’s design is focused on simplicity without sacrificing performance. In order to accomplish this we have focused on designing a tensor VM rather than a scalar VM.

In the tensor VM setting, we optimize for cheap “allocation” of objects (by trying to avoid real allocation), reuse of static fragments, and the ability to do dynamic shape (i.e jagged tensors).

Instruction Set#

The choices of an instruction set and instruction representation are the most critical design decisions for a VM. The current representation of the instructions is a tagged union containing the op-code and the data payload. An important design decision is the level of abstraction of the instructions (RISC vs. CISC) and how they take their data (fixed-width instruction encoding vs. variable-length encoding). The current version is closer to CISC, with complex instructions like AllocTensor, and is variable-length due to the inclusion of the shape as part of the instruction. The current instruction set is very high-level and corresponds roughly to high-level operations in Relay.



RegName dst
RegName result

Returns the object in register result to caller’s register dst.



Index packed_index
Index arity
Index output_size
RegName* packed_args

Invoke the packed function denoted by packed_index. The arity and output_size are used to inform the VM how many inputs and outputs to expect. packed_args stores the list of argument registers. Note Index is an alias of int64_t, and it will be used in other instructions as well.



RegName dst
RegName storage
uint32_t ndim
int64_t* shape
DLDataType dtype

Allocate a tensor value of using constant shape (stored in shape) and dtype from the given storage block, storage. The result is saved to register dst.



RegName dst
RegName storage
RegName shape_register
DLDataType dtype

Allocate a tensor value of the appropriate shape (stored in shape_register) and dtype from the given storage block (stored in storage). The result is saved to register dst.



RegName dst
RegName size
RegName alignment
DLDataType dtype_hint

Allocate a storage block with the given size, alignment and data type, dtype_hint. The allocated storage block is stored in register dst.



RegName dst
Index tag
Index num_fields
RegName* datatype_fields

Allocate a data type with the tag tag using the num_fields entries from registers datatype_fields. The result is saved to register dst.



RegName dst
Index clo_index
Index num_freevar
RegName* free_vars;

Allocate a closure with the VMFunction at clo_index as its code, and the num_freevar entries from registers in free_vars. The result is saved to register dst.



RegName dst
RegName object
Index field_index

Get the field value with index field_index from object. And saves the result to register dst.



RegName test
RegName target
Index true_offset
Index false_offset

Check if the object at register test is equal to target. If equal, relative jump by true_offset, else relative jump by false_offset.



RegName object
RegName dst

Get the object tag for ADT object in register object. And saves the reult to register dst.


Fail the virtual machine execution.



Index pc_offset

Relative unconditional jump by pc_offset.



Index func_index

Invoke function at func_index, consumes the number of arguments contained in the VMFunction’s arity field.



RegName closure
Index num_closure_args
RegName* closure_args

Invokes closure, consuming the number of arguments declared in the closure’s VMFunction.



RegName dst
Index const_index

Load the constant at const_index from the constant pool. The result is saved to register dst.



Index val
RegName dst

Load the constant integer val to register dst. The result is a 0-rank tensor.

Object Representation#

We leverage the object protocol to represent the objects that are used by the VM.

Currently, three types of objects, NDArray, ADT, and Closure objects, are used to represent tensor, tuple/list, and closure data, respectively. More details for each of them can be found at include/tvm/runtime/ndarray.h, include/tvm/runtime/vm/vm.h, and include/tvm/runtime/container.h, respectively.

Stack and State#

The Relay VM maintains a stack frame, which contains information about how to resume the previous call. Registers are allocated in a continuous space (virtual register file) for each function.

We keep track of a set of Relay functions we have called, a pointer into its bytecode, an offset into the byte code (known as the program counter).

struct VirtualMachine {
  std::vector<VMFrame> frames;
  // Current function.
  size_t func_index;
  // Pointer into the current function's instructions.
  const Instruction* code;
  // Current program counter relative to the code pointer.
  size_t pc;

Dispatch Loop#

A critical piece of a VM is the dispatch loop. The dispatch loop usually dominates the execution time of a virtual machine, but we have experimentally found this not to be the case for Relay. We have just implemented a simple switch/goto dispatch loop which dispatches based on instruction op code.

This loop is implemented by VirtualMachine::Run().

VM Compiler#

An important part of this infrastructure is a compiler from Relay’s full IR into a sequence of bytecode. The VM compiler transforms a tvm::relay::Module into a tvm::relay::vm::Executable. The executable contains a set of compiled functions, the compiled functions are contained in tvm::relay::vm::Function. The functions contain metadata about the function as well as its compiled bytecode. The emitted executable object then can be loaded and run by a tvm::relay::vm::VirtualMachine object. For full definitions of the data structures, please see include/tvm/runtime/vm/executable.h and include/tvm/runtime/vm/vm.h.


There are quite a few optimizations required by the VM compiler. Each of them is implemented as a pass which is managed by the Relay pass manager.

Optimizations marked with TODO are not implemented yet.


Serializing and deserializing the executable generated by the Relay VM compiler is a must as we may want to save the model to the disk and perform inference later. Previously, Relay has produced a serialized form in a json file for the graph executor. However, the same format is not directly applicable to the VM as it emits bytecode instead of graph-style programs. Serialization of an executable essentially needs to handle both model specific (i.e. weights and kernels) and VM related (i.e. bytecode and global function names) data.

For kernels, we can conveniently leverage existing TVM infra to save and load the compiled library module. Here we only focus on serializing other several components in a binary format that is organized with the following sections in order.

  • Global section. This section contains the globals (function names) used by the virtual machine.

  • Constant section. This section is used to store the constant pool (i.e. weights of the model) for a virtual machine.

  • Primitive name section. This section is introduced to accommodate the list of primitive operator names that will be invoked by the virtual machine, i.e. the names starting with fused_. The primitive names are used as symbols to look up function pointers in the compiled kernel library.

  • Code section. The VM functions, including bytecode, are sitting in this section. The dispatching loop iterates through this section to fetch instructions for execution.

Hence, unlike the graph executor artifact that contains weight (.params), graph json (.json), and compiled kernel library (.so), the serialized executable artifact is composed of the Relay object file (.ro) and the compiled kernel library (.so).

A save function is implemented to store the executable to the disk and serialize it into the above format. Meanwhile, a load_exec function is used to load the serialized kernel binary and executable related binary code, which will be again used to instantiate a VM object. Please refer to the test_vm_serialization.py file for more examples.

Unresolved Questions#

How do we handle dynamic shapes?#

Dynamic shape support is ongoing work in TVM as we upgrade Relay, TVM’s compiler. For the most recent updates on dynamic shape support, we recommend following updates in TVM’s Discuss forum (https://discuss.tvm.apache.org/).

How can we modify the VM to support JIT compilation of certain code paths?#

In the code generation space there are still many tradeoffs to be analyzed and the VM is designed to be very flexible so we can modify it for future experiments.

How do we support heterogenous execution?#

Heterogenous execution should work out of the box assuming we have annotated the appropriate device copies. In order to do this properly we need to run the device annotation and copying passes.