# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-locals
"""Utility functions for Relax"""
import itertools
import string
from typing import Tuple as typing_Tuple
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Dict, Optional
import tvm
from .. import tir
from ..tir import PrimExpr
from ..runtime import String, convert_to_object
from . import _ffi_api
from .expr import Tuple as rx_Tuple
from .expr import Expr, ShapeExpr, Function, PrimValue, StringImm, te_tensor
from ..te import Tensor as te_Tensor, create_prim_func
from ..ir import Array, Attrs, Type, Map, VDevice
from .struct_info import PrimStructInfo, ShapeStructInfo, TensorStructInfo
# Re-export `args_converter` here for backwards compatibility
from .type_converter import args_converter # pylint: disable=unused-import
def metadata_partitioner(rx_txt: str) -> List[str]:
"""Extract Relax program and metadata section.
rx_txt : str
The input relax text.
output : List[str]
The result list of partitioned text, the first element
is the relax program, and the second is metadata section.
partitions = []
left_curly = 0
meta_start = 0
meta_end = 0
for i, char in enumerate(rx_txt):
if i < 0:
raise ValueError("The program is invalid.")
if char == "{":
if meta_start == 0:
meta_start = i
left_curly += 1
elif char == "}":
left_curly -= 1
if left_curly == 0:
meta_end = i + 1
if meta_end == 0:
raise ValueError("The metadata section was not found.")
metadata = rx_txt[meta_start:meta_end]
rx_program = rx_txt[meta_end:-1]
return partitions
def convert_to_expr(value: Any) -> Expr:
"""Helper function to convert the input to Expr, which follows the rules:
1. Return the input itself if it's already a `relax.Expr`;
2. Return `relax.PrimValue` if the input is a `PrimExpr`;
3. Return `relax.StringImm` if the input is `tvm.String` or `str`;
4. Return `relax.Tuple` if the input is a tuple/list of `Expr`.
1. `tvm.tir.StringImm` is not allowed because of ambiguity,
which can be either `relax.StringImm` or `relax.PrimValue`.
if isinstance(value, int):
return PrimValue(tir.IntImm("int64", value))
if isinstance(value, float):
return PrimValue(tir.FloatImm("float64", value))
tvm_value = convert_to_object(value)
# Case 1
if isinstance(tvm_value, Expr): # type: ignore
return tvm_value
# Note`` 1
if isinstance(tvm_value, tir.StringImm):
raise TypeError(
"Cannot convert `tir.StringImm` to `relax.Expr` because of ambiguity,"
"which can be either `relax.StringImm` or `relax.PrimValue` "
# Case 2
if isinstance(tvm_value, PrimExpr):
return PrimValue(value)
# Case 3
if isinstance(tvm_value, String):
return StringImm(value)
# Case 4
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
# `convert_to_expr` ensures that all elements are `Expr` if no exception raises
return rx_Tuple([convert_to_expr(v) for v in value])
raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert {value} with type {type(value)} to `relax.Expr`")
def copy_with_new_vars(func: Function) -> Function:
"""Copy the given function. All variables that are bound inside the original function
would be copied to satisfy the restriction in the well-formed check: Variables in
Relax must be bound exactly once. This also ensures that both the function and its copy
can be inserted into the same IRModule, and be asserted on the structural equality
agaisnt IRModule created by TVMScript.
func : Function
The relax function to copy.
ret : Function
The copied function.
return _ffi_api.CopyWithNewVars(func) # type: ignore
def gen_call_tir_inputs(
func: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> typing_Tuple[tir.PrimFunc, Expr, List[TensorStructInfo], Optional[ShapeExpr]]:
"""Generate the inputs for call_tir according to the te function.
This function converts arguments from relax expression to te tensor,
The callback func should return a te tensor or a list of te tensors.
func : Callable
A function that returns a te tensor or a list of te tensors.
args : Any, optional
arguments passed to the function.
kwargs : Any, optional
The keyword arguments passed to the function.
Note that the keyword args 'primfunc_attrs' is reserved for passing func
attributes to be added to the PrimFunc that gets created.
ret : Tuple[tir.PrimFunc, Expr, List[TensorStructInfo], Optional[ShapeExpr]]
ret contains the inputs for call_tir, including a tir prim_func, args,
out_sinfo, and tir_vars.
tir_var_map: Dict[tir.Var, tir.PrimExpr] = {}
call_tir_args = []
create_primfunc_args = []
# extra list of tir expression arguments
# that are not covered by Tensor
extra_tir_args_list = []
def _copy_undefined_var(expr: tir.PrimExpr):
def _visit_expr(e: tir.PrimExpr):
if isinstance(e, tir.Var) and e not in tir_var_map:
new_var = tir.Var(e.name, e.dtype)
tir_var_map[e] = new_var
tir.stmt_functor.post_order_visit(expr, _visit_expr)
def _convert_te_arg(te_args: Any) -> Any:
"""Helper function used to convert Relax expressions to TE tensor.
In the common case, the type of te_args is a Relax expression and is converted
into a TE tensor.
If te_args is a nested or recursive datatype (i.e list, dict, tvm.ir.Map, tvm.ir.Array),
we recursive and convert any value of type Relax expression into a TE tensor.
Common values of type int, float, and str are preserved.
In dynamic shape cases, the passed in arguments may contain TIR variable.
For example, the argument can be a Relax Var with TensorStructInfo, which
has symbolic shape, or the argument can be a ShapeExpr with symbolic variables.
To make the PrimFunc generated has independent variables with
the caller Relax function, we will substitute the TIR variables in the input
arguments with fresh ones, which is done by maintaining a TIR variable mapping.
te_args : Any
Argument to convert to TE
tir_var_map : Dict[tir.Var, tir.PrimExpr]
The TIR variable mapping, which maps TIR variables on the Relax function
side to the new set of variables used on the PrimFunc side.
ret : (Any, [tvm.te.Tensor])
A tuple of the converted te_args, and a list of te tensors for each converted
Relax expression
def _convert_te_arg_helper(arg):
if isinstance(arg, Expr): # type: ignore
if isinstance(arg.struct_info, TensorStructInfo):
assert isinstance(
arg.struct_info.shape, ShapeExpr
), "emit_te now only supports Tensor that has ShapeExpr shape"
for shape_value in arg.struct_info.shape.values:
n_args = len(create_primfunc_args)
if isinstance(arg, tvm.relax.Var):
name = arg.name_hint
elif n_args < len(string.ascii_uppercase):
name = string.ascii_uppercase[n_args]
name = f"tensor_input_{n_args}"
te_arg = te_tensor(arg, tir_var_map, name)
return te_arg
if isinstance(arg.struct_info, ShapeStructInfo):
assert isinstance(
arg, ShapeExpr
), "For Expr having ShapeStructInfo, emit_te now only supports ShapeExpr"
return [_convert_te_arg_helper(val) for val in arg.values]
if isinstance(arg.struct_info, PrimStructInfo):
if arg.struct_info.value is None:
n_args = len(create_primfunc_args)
if isinstance(arg, tvm.relax.Var):
name = arg.name_hint
elif n_args < len(string.ascii_lowercase):
name = string.ascii_lowercase[n_args]
name = f"scalar_input_{n_args}"
tir_param = tir.Var(name, arg.struct_info.dtype)
return tir_param
return _convert_te_arg_helper(arg.struct_info.value)
elif isinstance(arg, (list, Array)):
return [_convert_te_arg_helper(x) for x in arg]
elif isinstance(arg, tuple):
return tuple(_convert_te_arg_helper(x) for x in arg)
elif isinstance(arg, (dict, Map)):
for key in arg:
assert isinstance(
key, str
), "emit_te only supports dict with string as the key currently"
return {k: _convert_te_arg_helper(arg[k]) for k in arg}
elif isinstance(arg, tir.PrimExpr):
new_arg = tir.stmt_functor.substitute(arg, tir_var_map)
return new_arg
elif isinstance(arg, (int, float, str, Type, Attrs)) or arg is None:
return arg
raise TypeError("not supported type in emit_te: {}".format(type(arg)))
new_arg = _convert_te_arg_helper(te_args)
return new_arg
def _get_unbound_tir_vars(
args: List[te_Tensor], extra_tir_args: List[PrimExpr]
) -> List[tir.Var]:
"""get unbound TIR vars (i.e TIR vars used in the shape but is not
itself a dimension of a shape)"""
bound_vars = set()
used_vars = set()
def _populate_bound_vars(expr):
if isinstance(expr, te_Tensor):
for dim in expr.shape:
elif isinstance(expr, tir.Var):
def _populate_used_vars(expr):
if isinstance(expr, te_Tensor):
for dim in expr.shape:
elif isinstance(expr, tir.PrimExpr):
for arg in itertools.chain(args, extra_tir_args):
for arg in args:
diff = used_vars - bound_vars
return list(diff)
def _get_vdevice(arg: Any) -> Optional[VDevice]:
"""get the virtual device from arguments."""
vdevice = None
if isinstance(arg, Expr): # type: ignore
if isinstance(arg.struct_info, TensorStructInfo):
vdevice = arg.struct_info.vdevice
elif isinstance(arg, (list, Array, tuple)):
for x in arg:
vdevice = _get_vdevice(x)
if vdevice is not None:
return vdevice
elif isinstance(arg, (dict, Map)):
for k in arg:
vdevice = _get_vdevice(arg[k])
if vdevice is not None:
return vdevice
return vdevice
def _shape_with_old_tir_var(
shape_values: List[tir.PrimExpr], tir_var_inverse_map: Dict[tir.Var, tir.PrimExpr]
return ShapeExpr(
[tir.stmt_functor.substitute(value, tir_var_inverse_map) for value in shape_values]
primfunc_attrs = kwargs.pop("primfunc_attrs", None)
te_args = _convert_te_arg(args)
te_kwargs = _convert_te_arg(kwargs)
te_out = func(*te_args, **te_kwargs)
assert isinstance(te_out, te_Tensor) or (
isinstance(te_out, (tuple, list, Array)) and all(isinstance(t, te_Tensor) for t in te_out)
), "only support te.tensor or tuple/list/Array of te.tensor as function output"
outs = [te_out] if isinstance(te_out, te_Tensor) else list(te_out)
unbound_tir_vars = _get_unbound_tir_vars([*create_primfunc_args, *outs], extra_tir_args_list)
inputs = [*create_primfunc_args] + outs + unbound_tir_vars
tir_func = create_prim_func(inputs, "int64")
if primfunc_attrs:
tir_func = tir_func.with_attrs(primfunc_attrs)
tir_func = tir_func.without_attr("global_symbol")
# Invert the TIR variable mapping, to convert the output shape back
# with old set of variables.
tir_var_inverse_map = {v: k for k, v in tir_var_map.items()}
output_sinfo = [
_shape_with_old_tir_var(out.shape, tir_var_inverse_map),
for out in outs
tir_vars = None
if len(unbound_tir_vars) > 0:
tir_vars = _shape_with_old_tir_var(unbound_tir_vars, tir_var_inverse_map)
return (tir_func, call_tir_args, output_sinfo, tir_vars)