
与任何 Python deliverable 一样,您的项目将经历 Python 项目生命周期的不同阶段,PDM 提供命令来执行这些阶段的预期任务。


  • 插件监听同名的 [signals][pdm.signals]。

  • 开发人员定义具有相同名称的自定义脚本。

内置命令目前分为 3 组:

您很可能需要在安装和发布阶段之间执行一些循环任务(内务管理、检测、测试……),这就是为什么 PDM 允许您使用用户脚本定义自己的任务/阶段。

为了提供充分的灵活性,PDM 允许按需跳过一些挂钩和任务。


初始化阶段应该在项目生命周期中只发生一次,通过运行 pdm init 命令来初始化现有项目(提示填充 pyproject.toml 文件)。


flowchart LR subgraph pdm-init [pdm init] direction LR post-init{{Emit post_init}} init --> post-init end



  • lock:根据 pyproject.toml 需求计算锁文件。

  • sync:从锁定文件中同步(添加/删除/更新) PEP 582 包,并将当前项目安装为可编辑的。

  • add:添加依赖

  • remove:删除依赖


  • pdm lock: execute the lock task

  • pdm sync: execute the sync task

  • pdm install: execute the sync task, preceded from lock if required

  • pdm add: add a dependency requirement, re-lock and then sync

  • pdm remove: remove a dependency requirement, re-lock and then sync

  • pdm update: re-lock dependencies from their latest versions and then sync


flowchart LR subgraph pdm-install [pdm install] direction LR subgraph pdm-lock [pdm lock] direction TB pre-lock{{Emit pre_lock}} post-lock{{Emit post_lock}} pre-lock --> lock --> post-lock end subgraph pdm-sync [pdm sync] direction TB pre-install{{Emit pre_install}} post-install{{Emit post_install}} pre-install --> sync --> post-install end pdm-lock --> pdm-sync end

切换 Python 版本#

这是依赖项管理中的特殊情况:您可以使用 pdm use 切换当前 Python 版本,它将使用新的 Python 解释器发出 post_use 信号。

flowchart LR subgraph pdm-use [pdm use] direction LR post-use{{Emit post_use}} use --> post-use end



  • build:构建/编译需要它的资产,并将所有内容打包到 Python 包中(sdist, wheel)

  • upload:上传/发布包到远程 PyPI 索引


flowchart LR subgraph pdm-publish [pdm publish] direction LR pre-publish{{Emit pre_publish}} post-publish{{Emit post_publish}} subgraph pdm-build [pdm build] pre-build{{Emit pre_build}} post-build{{Emit post_build}} pre-build --> build --> post-build end %% subgraph pdm-upload [pdm upload] %% pre-upload{{Emit pre_upload}} %% post-upload{{Emit post_upload}} %% pre-upload --> upload --> post-upload %% end pre-publish --> pdm-build --> upload --> post-publish end



用户脚本 部分中有详细说明,但你应该知道:

  • 每个用户脚本都可以定义 pre_*post_* 脚本,包括复合脚本。

  • 每次 run 执行都将触发pre_runpost_run钩子

  • 每次脚本执行都将触发pre_scriptpost_script钩子

给定以下 scripts 定义:

pre_script = ""
post_script = ""
pre_test = ""
post_test = ""
test = ""
pre_composite = ""
post_composite = ""
composite = {composite: ["test"]}

pdm run test 将具有以下生命周期:

flowchart LR subgraph pdm-run-test [pdm run test] direction LR pre-run{{Emit pre_run}} post-run{{Emit post_run}} subgraph run-test [test task] direction TB pre-script{{Emit pre_script}} post-script{{Emit post_script}} pre-test[Execute pre_test] post-test[Execute post_test] test[Execute test] pre-script --> pre-test --> test --> post-test --> post-script end pre-run --> run-test --> post-run end

当运行 pdm run composite 时,将有以下内容:

flowchart LR subgraph pdm-run-composite [pdm run composite] direction LR pre-run{{Emit pre_run}} post-run{{Emit post_run}} subgraph run-composite [composite task] direction TB pre-script-composite{{Emit pre_script}} post-script-composite{{Emit post_script}} pre-composite[Execute pre_composite] post-composite[Execute post_composite] subgraph run-test [test task] direction TB pre-script-test{{Emit pre_script}} post-script-test{{Emit post_script}} pre-test[Execute pre_test] post-test[Execute post_test] pre-script-test --> pre-test --> test --> post-test --> post-script-test end pre-script-composite --> pre-composite --> run-test --> post-composite --> post-script-composite end pre-run --> run-composite --> post-run end


使用 --skip 选项可以为任何内置命令和自定义用户脚本控制哪个任务和钩子运行。

它接受以逗号分隔的钩子/任务名称列表,以及预定义的 :all:pre:post 快捷方式,分别跳过所有钩子、所有 pre_* 钩子和所有 post_* 钩子。您还可以在 PDM_SKIP_HOOKS 环境变量中提供跳过列表,但一旦提供了 --skip 参数,它就会被覆盖。

对于前面的脚本块,运行 pdm run --skip=:pre,post_test composite 将导致以下缩短的生命周期:

flowchart LR subgraph pdm-run-composite [pdm run composite] direction LR post-run{{Emit post_run}} subgraph run-composite [composite task] direction TB post-script-composite{{Emit post_script}} post-composite[Execute post_composite] subgraph run-test [test task] direction TB post-script-test{{Emit post_script}} test --> post-script-test end run-test --> post-composite --> post-script-composite end run-composite --> post-run end