tvm.relax.op.grad.grad 源代码

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# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Operators to implement operaor gradients. Used in ``.

We are trying to keep grad operators as simple as possible, and hope they are only used for finding
gradients for forward operators. The struct_info inference for grad operators just returns the
struct_info of the input.
from typing import Optional, Tuple

from . import _ffi_api
from ...expr import Expr

[文档] def no_grad(input: Expr) -> Expr: """No gradient dummy operator w.r.t. the input. Parameters ---------- input : relax.Expr The corresponding input tensor. Returns ------- result : relax.Expr The no-gradient representation w.r.t. input. """ return _ffi_api.no_grad(input) # type: ignore
[文档] def start_checkpoint(input: Expr) -> Expr: """Mark the start of the checkpoint stage. The computation between start_checkpoint and end_checkpoint will be marked as the checkpoint stage. Rather than storing all intermediate activations of the entire computation graph for computing backward, the checkpointed stage does not save intermediate activations, and instead recomputes them in backward process. For instance, ``` a = relax.Var("a", relax.TensorStructInfo((2, 2), "float32")) b = relax.Var("b", relax.TensorStructInfo((2, 2), "float32")) c = a * 2 d = b * 2 c_cp = start_checkpoint(c) d_cp = start_checkpoint(d) e = c_cp + d_cp e_out = end_checkpoint(e) ``` Then `e` will be recomputed in the backward stage. See tvm.relax.transform.Gradient, tvm.relax.testing.nn.checkpoint, tvm.relax.op.grad.end_checkpoint for more information. Parameters ---------- input : relax.Expr The tensor marking the input of the checkpoint stage. Returns ------- result : relax.Expr The same tensor as the input. """ return _ffi_api.start_checkpoint(input) # type: ignore
[文档] def end_checkpoint(input: Expr) -> Expr: """Mark the end of checkpoint stage. See tvm.relax.op.grad.start_checkpoint. Parameters ---------- input : relax.Expr The output of the checkpoint stage. Returns ------- result : relax.Expr The same tensor as the input. """ return _ffi_api.end_checkpoint(input) # type: ignore
[文档] def nll_loss_backward( output_grad: Expr, predictions: Expr, targets: Expr, weights: Optional[Expr] = None, reduction: str = "mean", ignore_index: int = -100, ) -> Expr: """Backward operator of relax.nn.nll_loss. All parameters except output_grad is the same as relax.nn.nll_loss. Returns the gradient w.r.t. predictions. Parameters ---------- output_grad : relax.Expr The gradient w.r.t. the result of nll_loss. Returns ------- result : relax.Expr The gradient w.r.t. predictions. """ return _ffi_api.nll_loss_backward( # type: ignore output_grad, predictions, targets, weights, reduction, ignore_index )
[文档] def max_pool2d_backward( output_grad: Expr, data: Expr, pool_size: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), strides: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), padding: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 0), dilation: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), ceil_mode: bool = False, count_include_pad: bool = False, layout: str = "NCHW", out_layout: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Expr: """Backward operator of relax.nn.max_pool2d. All parameters except output_grad is the same as relax.nn.max_pool2d. Returns the gradient w.r.t. data. Parameters ---------- output_grad : relax.Expr The gradient w.r.t. the result of max_pool2d. Returns ------- result : relax.Expr The gradient w.r.t. data. """ return _ffi_api.max_pool2d_backward( # type: ignore output_grad, data, pool_size, strides, padding, dilation, ceil_mode, count_include_pad, layout, out_layout, )
[文档] def avg_pool2d_backward( output_grad: Expr, data: Expr, pool_size: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), strides: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), padding: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 0), dilation: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), ceil_mode: bool = False, count_include_pad: bool = False, layout: str = "NCHW", out_layout: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Expr: """Backward operator of relax.nn.avg_pool2d. All parameters except output_grad is the same as relax.nn.avg_pool2d. Returns the gradient w.r.t. data. Parameters ---------- output_grad : relax.Expr The gradient w.r.t. the result of avg_pool2d. Returns ------- result : relax.Expr The gradient w.r.t. data. """ return _ffi_api.avg_pool2d_backward( # type: ignore output_grad, data, pool_size, strides, padding, dilation, ceil_mode, count_include_pad, layout, out_layout, )
[文档] def take_backward(output_grad: Expr, x: Expr, indices: Expr, axis: Optional[int] = None) -> Expr: """Backward operator of relax.take. All parameters except output_grad is the same as relax.take. Returns the gradient w.r.t. x. Parameters ---------- output_grad : relax.Expr The gradient w.r.t. the result of take. Returns ------- result : relax.Expr The gradient w.r.t. x. """ return _ffi_api.take_backward(output_grad, x, indices, axis) # type: ignore