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"""The core infra for nn.Module, which includes the following pieces:
- Tensor, a wrapper on top of relax.Expr whose struct_info is a TensorStructInfo,
providing more convenient access shape and dtype information.
Tensor is always symbolic and not bound to any concrete values.
- Parameter, a special tensor which could be bound or not bound to concrete values.
- Module, a container of nn.Parameters and sub nn.Modules.
- Effect, a non-user-facing class that encloses potential side effects, for example, IO,
impure external function callings, inplace mutation, etc.
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (
import numpy as np # type: ignore
from tvm import tir
from tvm.ir import IRModule
from tvm.ir.transform import Pass
from tvm.runtime import Device, NDArray
from tvm.runtime import device as as_device
from tvm.runtime import ndarray
from tvm.runtime.relax_vm import VirtualMachine
from tvm.target import Target
from .... import relax as rx
from ...block_builder import BlockBuilder
from ...struct_info import (
from ._tensor_op import _TensorOp
from .subroutine import SubroutineMixin
import torch # type: ignore
from . import spec as _spec
from .extern import ExternModule
_DEFAULT_DTYPE = "float32"
def get_default_dtype() -> str:
"""Get the default parameter dtype if not specified. By default it is float32.
dtype : str
The default dtype
def set_default_dtype(dtype: str) -> None:
"""Set the default parameter dtype.
dtype : str
The default dtype to be set
global _DEFAULT_DTYPE # pylint: disable=global-statement
class Tensor(_TensorOp):
"""A wrapper on top of relax.Expr whose struct_info is a TensorStructInfo, providing more
convenient access shape and dtype information. Tensor is always symbolc and not bound to any
concrete values. Shape and dtype inference is done eagerly upon tensor creation, i.e. when
operators are applied on tensors, the shape and dtype information is already available.
_expr: rx.Expr
def __init__(self, *, _expr: rx.Expr) -> None:
"""Private constructor. Tensor is never supposed to be constructed directly by users."""
def _check_tensor(expr: rx.Expr) -> None:
assert expr.struct_info_ is not None
assert isinstance(expr.struct_info, TensorStructInfo)
assert expr.struct_info.ndim != -1
assert expr.struct_info.shape is not None
assert expr.struct_info.shape.struct_info_ is not None
assert isinstance(expr.struct_info.shape.struct_info, ShapeStructInfo)
assert expr.struct_info.shape.struct_info.values is not None
self._expr = _expr
def from_const(data) -> "Tensor":
"""Construct a tensor from numpy constants."""
return Tensor(_expr=rx.const(data))
def from_scalar(data: Union[int, float], dtype: str) -> "Tensor":
"""Construct a tensor from a scalar with dtype specified."""
return Tensor(_expr=rx.const(data, dtype=dtype))
def from_struct_info(struct_info: rx.TensorStructInfo, name: str = "tensor") -> "Tensor":
"""Construct a nn.Tensor from relax TensorStructInfo"""
return Tensor(
def placeholder(
shape: Sequence[Union[int, str, tir.PrimExpr]],
dtype: str,
name: str = "tensor",
) -> "Tensor":
"""Create a placeholder tensor with given shape and dtype. A placeholder tensor should
never be created directly by users in usual cases, and the only exception is to indicate
the shape/dtype of return values of an external function.
If shape is a string `name`, we create a symbolic shape `tvm.tir.Var(name, "int64")`.
new_shape = []
for expr in shape:
if isinstance(expr, (int, tir.IntImm)):
expr = int(expr)
assert expr >= 0
if isinstance(expr, str):
expr = tir.Var(expr, "int64")
if not isinstance(expr, tir.PrimExpr):
raise TypeError(f"Invalid shape: {shape}")
assert expr.dtype == "int64"
return Tensor(
shape=new_shape, # type: ignore[arg-type]
def shape(self) -> List[Union[int, tir.PrimExpr]]:
"""Returns the shape of the tensor as a list of integers.
An integer can be a python int or tvm.tir.PrimExpr, depending on whether the shape is
fully static, for example, [1, 2, tvm.tir.Var("n")] is a valid shape where the last
dimension is dynamic while the first two dimensions are always static constants.
shape : List[Union[int, tir.PrimExpr]]
The shape of the tensor
def _simplify(expr: tir.PrimExpr):
return expr.value if isinstance(expr, tir.IntImm) else expr
shape_sinfo: ShapeStructInfo = self._expr.struct_info.shape.struct_info
return [_simplify(x) for x in shape_sinfo.values]
def ndim(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of dimensions of the tensor.
ndim : int
The number of dimensions of the tensor
return self._expr.struct_info.ndim
def dtype(self) -> str:
"""Returns the data type of the tensor.
dtype : str
The data type of the tensor
return self._expr.struct_info.dtype
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Tensor({self.shape}, "{self.dtype}")'
class Parameter(Tensor):
"""A parameter represents the weight of a neural network layer. It is a special tensor which
could be bound or not bound to concrete values. If a parameter is bound to a concrete value,
it is called a bound parameter, otherwise it is called an unbound parameter.
_data: Optional[NDArray]
attrs: Dict[str, Any]
def __init__(
shape: Sequence[Union[int, str, tir.PrimExpr]],
dtype: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Create a parameter with given shape and dtype. The parameter is not bound to any
concrete values.
shape : Sequence[Union[int, str, tir.PrimExpr]]
The shape of the parameter. If it is a string `name`, we create a symbolic shape
`tvm.tir.Var(name, "int64")`.
dtype : Optional[str]
The data type of the parameter. If not specified, the default dtype will be used.
if dtype is None:
dtype = get_default_dtype()
super().__init__(_expr=Tensor.placeholder(shape, dtype=dtype, name="param")._expr)
self._data = None
self.attrs = OrderedDict()
def data(self) -> Optional[NDArray]:
"""Returns the concrete value of the parameter if it is bound to a concrete value,
otherwise returns None. The returned value is a tvm.runtime.NDArray."""
return self._data
def data(self, data: Union[None, NDArray, np.ndarray, "torch.Tensor"]) -> None:
"""Set the concrete value of the parameter. The data should be one of the following:
- None: unbind the parameter to concrete values
- tvm.runtime.NDArray
- numpy.ndarray
- torch.Tensor and any other DLPack-compliant tensors
if data is None:
self._data = data
# Try to do zero-copy if possible
if isinstance(data, NDArray):
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
data = ndarray.array(data)
elif hasattr(data, "__dlpack__"):
data = _from_dlpack(data)
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported data type: {type(data)}")
if data.shape != tuple(self.shape):
raise ValueError(f"Shape mismatch: expected {tuple(self.shape)}, got {data.shape}")
if data.dtype != self.dtype:
raise ValueError(f"Dtype mismatch: expected {self.dtype}, got {data.dtype}")
self._data = data
def to(self, dtype: Optional[str] = None) -> None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Change the dtype of the parameter if it is not bound to any concrete data"""
if dtype is not None:
if self._data is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Changing the dtype of a Parameter that has been bound to concrete "
"data is not recommended. It might lead to potential precision loss "
"or other unexpected behaviors"
self._expr = Tensor.placeholder( # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.shape, dtype=dtype, name="param"
class Object:
"""A wrapper on top of relax.Expr whose struct_info is the base
ObjectStructInfo (rather than any its subclass). Object effectively
represents non-tensor frontend components such as KV caches.
_expr: rx.Var
def __init__(self, *, _expr: rx.Expr, _name: str) -> None:
"""Private constructor. Object is never supposed to be constructed directly by users."""
if not isinstance(_expr, rx.Var):
_expr = BlockBuilder.current().emit(_expr, _name)
self._expr = _expr
assert isinstance(self._expr.struct_info, ObjectStructInfo)
class Effect:
"""Effect is a special non-user facing type that is used to represent operations with side
effects, for example, print. It is used to represent the output of a computation.
def emit_init(self, name_hint: str, builder: BlockBuilder) -> List[rx.DataflowVar]:
"""Emit the initialization of the effect. This method is called by the compiler to
initialize the effect."""
raise NotImplementedError
def create(self, name_hint: str) -> List[rx.Var]:
"""Create the implicit inputs to a relax.Function that represents the side effect"""
raise NotImplementedError
def set_state(self, state_vars: List[rx.Var]) -> None:
"""Set the variables that represents the effect"""
raise NotImplementedError
def finalize(self) -> List[rx.Var]:
"""finalize the effect as the implicit return value of a relax.Function"""
raise NotImplementedError
def to(self, dtype: Optional[str] = None) -> None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Convert the effect to specific dtype. Usually it is no-op for most of the effects"""
class Module(SubroutineMixin):
"""Base class for neural network components. Subclass it to build your models.
Modules can nest within each other in a tree structure using regular attribute assignment."""
def named_parameters(self, prefix: str = "") -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Parameter]]:
"""This method provides an iterator over module parameters,
yielding both the parameter name and its corresponding value.
prefix : str
Prefix to prepend to all parameter names.
(str, Parameter) - Tuple containing the name and parameter
yield from _attribute_finder(
self, prefix, condition_yield=lambda x: isinstance(x, Parameter)
def parameters(self) -> Iterator[Parameter]:
"""This method provides an iterator over module parameters,
yielding only the Parameter value.
Parameter - The module's parameter
for _, param in self.named_parameters():
yield param
def state_dict(
self, *, prefix: str = "", destination: Optional[Dict[str, Parameter]] = None
) -> Dict[str, Parameter]:
"""Returns a dictionary containing references to the whole state of the module.
prefix : str
Prefix to prepend to all parameter names.
destination : Optional[Dict[str, Parameter]]
Dictionary to which state will be saved. If None, a new dictionary is created.
dict : Dict[str, Parameter]
a dictionary containing a whole state of the module
if destination is None:
destination = OrderedDict()
for name, param in _attribute_finder(
self, prefix, condition_yield=lambda x: isinstance(x, Parameter)
destination[name] = param
return destination
def load_state_dict(
self, state_dict: Dict[str, Parameter], strict: bool = True
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
"""This function copies parameters and buffers from the state_dict into the current module
and its descendants. If `strict` is set to True, the keys in the `state_dict` must exactly
match the keys returned by the `state_dict()` function of this module.
state_dict : Dict[str, Parameter]
A dictionary containing a whole state of the module
strict : bool = True
Whether to strictly enforce that the keys in `state_dict` match the keys returned by
this module's `state_dict()` function.
(missing_keys, unexpected_keys) : Tuple[List[str], List[str]]
A tuple of two lists: the missing keys and the unexpected keys.
self_state_dict = self.state_dict()
missing_keys: List[str] = []
unexpected_keys: List[str] = []
for key, value in state_dict.items():
if key not in self_state_dict:
if value.data is None:
raise ValueError(f"Parameter {key} is not set to any concrete tensor")
self_state_dict.pop(key).data = value.data
missing_keys = list(self_state_dict.keys())
if strict and (missing_keys or unexpected_keys):
raise KeyError(f"Missing keys: {missing_keys}, Unexpected keys: {unexpected_keys}")
return missing_keys, unexpected_keys
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
"""Call the module with the given inputs and returns the output."""
if not hasattr(self, "forward"):
raise NotImplementedError(f"Module {type(self)} does not have a `forward` method")
return self.forward(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=no-member
def to(self, dtype: Optional[str] = None) -> None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Convert the module to specific dtype recursively"""
for _, item in self.__dict__.items():
if hasattr(item, "to") and callable(item.to):
if dtype is not None and isinstance(getattr(self, "dtype", None), str):
self.dtype = dtype # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
def export_tvm(
spec: "_spec.ModuleSpecType",
debug: bool = False,
allow_extern: bool = False,
) -> Union[
List[Tuple[str, Parameter]],
List[Tuple[str, Parameter]],
"""Export the module to TVM IRModule and parameters
spec : _spec.ModuleSpecType
A dictionary mapping each input name to a specification
that defines the inputs shape and dtype.
debug : bool
If set to True, then the exported module will support
effects. This enables things like printing in the graph.
irmodule : tvm.ir.IRModule
The converted tvm IR representation of the model.
params : List[Tuple[str, Parameter]]
A list of Parameters corresponding to the weights of the model.
ext_mods : List[nn.ExternModule]
A list of ExternModules that are used in the model.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from . import spec as _spec
from .exporter import Exporter
# pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel
spec = _spec.ModuleSpec.from_raw(spec, self)
mod, params, ext_mods = Exporter(debug=debug).build(spec)
if allow_extern:
return mod, params, ext_mods
if ext_mods:
raise ValueError(
"`ExternModule`(s) exist when they are not allowed. "
"Turn on flag `allow_extern` to allow."
return mod, params
def jit( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
spec: "_spec.ModuleSpec",
device: Union[str, Device] = "cpu",
pipeline: Union[None, str, Pass] = "default_build",
out_format: str = "torch",
debug: bool = False,
) -> Any:
"""Just-in-time compilation of a nn.model to an executable"""
def _compile(spec, device, pipeline, debug):
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from ...transform import AttachExternModules
from ...vm_build import build as relax_build
from . import spec as _spec
from .exporter import Exporter
# pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel
spec = _spec.ModuleSpec.from_raw(spec, self)
mod, params, ext_mods = Exporter(debug=debug).build(spec)
mod = AttachExternModules(ext_mods)(mod) # pylint: disable=not-callable
vm = VirtualMachine( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
params = _param_to_ndarray(params, device)
return spec, vm, params
device = as_device(device)
spec, vm, params = _compile(spec, device, pipeline, debug) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if out_format == "torch":
from . import torch # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
return torch.TorchModule(spec=spec, params=params, vm=vm)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown out_format: {out_format}")
class ModuleList(Module):
"""Holds submodules in a list."""
def __init__(self, modules: List[Module]):
self.modules = modules
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.modules)
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Module:
return self.modules[idx]
def __setitem__(self, idx: int, module: Module) -> None:
self.modules[idx] = module
def __len__(self):
return len(self.modules)
def append(self, module: Module):
"""Add a module to the end of the ModuleList"""
def to(self, dtype: Optional[str] = None) -> None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
for module in self.modules:
def forward(self, x): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Feed-forward pass of the module"""
for module in self.modules:
x = module(x)
return x
def wrap_nested(expr: rx.Expr, name: str) -> Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]:
"""Wrap the given relax.Expr, emit it using the current BlockBuilder,
and automatically handle nested cases if the expr represents a Tuple.
expr : relax.Expr
The Expr to be wrapped.
name : str
Name hint.
result : Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor]]
The computed result.
if not isinstance(expr, rx.DataflowVar):
expr = BlockBuilder.current().emit(expr, name)
if isinstance(expr.struct_info_, TensorStructInfo):
return Tensor(_expr=expr)
if isinstance(expr.struct_info_, TupleStructInfo):
return tuple(
wrap_nested( # type: ignore
rx.TupleGetItem(expr, i),
for i in range(len(expr.struct_info_.fields))
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported return type: {expr.struct_info_}")
def _attribute_finder(root: Module, prefix: str, condition_yield: Callable[[Any], bool]):
"""Find attributes that satisfy the condition recursively"""
if isinstance(root, ModuleList):
for i, subitem in enumerate(root):
yield from _attribute_finder(subitem, prefix + f"{i}.", condition_yield)
for name, item in root.__dict__.items():
if condition_yield(item):
yield prefix + name, item
elif isinstance(item, ModuleList):
yield from _attribute_finder(
prefix + name + ".",
elif isinstance(item, Module):
yield from _attribute_finder(
prefix + name + ".",
def _from_dlpack(tensor) -> NDArray:
return ndarray.from_dlpack(tensor)
except RuntimeError:
# special logic for PyTorch
device_type = tensor.device.type
device_id = tensor.device.index or 0
return ndarray.array(
def _param_to_ndarray(params: List[Tuple[str, Parameter]], device: Device) -> List[NDArray]:
results = []
missing = []
for name, param in params:
if param.data is None:
if missing:
raise ValueError(f"Parameters are not set to any concrete values: {', '.join(missing)}")
return results