tvm.arith.analyzer 源代码

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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Arithmetic data structure and utility"""
import enum
from typing import Union

import tvm._ffi
from tvm import tir, ir
from tvm.runtime import Object

from . import _ffi_api

class ProofStrength(enum.IntEnum):
    """Proof strength of the analysis"""

    DEFAULT = 0

class Extension(enum.Flag):
    """Extensions enabled for RewriteSimplifier

    Values should match `RewriteSimplifier::Extensions`

    NoExtensions = 0
    TransitivelyProveInequalities = 1 << 0
    ConvertBooleanToAndOfOrs = 1 << 1
    ApplyConstraintsToBooleanBranches = 1 << 2
    ComparisonOfProductAndSum = 1 << 3

class ModularSet(Object):
    """Represent range of (coeff * x + base) for x in Z"""

    def __init__(self, coeff, base):
        self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_ffi_api.ModularSet, coeff, base)

class ConstIntBound(Object):
    """Represent constant integer bound

    min_value : int
        The minimum value of the bound.

    max_value : int
        The maximum value of the bound.

    POS_INF = (1 << 63) - 1

    def __init__(self, min_value, max_value):
        self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_ffi_api.ConstIntBound, min_value, max_value)

class ConstraintScope:
    """Constraint scope.

    fenter : function
        A function that will be called to create an enter context.

    Do not create object directly, use Analyzer.constraint_scope

    def __init__(self, fenter):
        self._fenter = fenter
        self._fexit = None

    def __enter__(self):
        self._fexit = self._fenter()

    def __exit__(self, ptype, value, trace):

[文档] class Analyzer: """Integer arithmetic analyzer This is a stateful analyzer class that can be used to perform various symbolic integer analysis. """ def __init__(self): _mod = _ffi_api.CreateAnalyzer() self._const_int_bound = _mod("const_int_bound") self._const_int_bound_update = _mod("const_int_bound_update") self._bind = _mod("bind") self._modular_set = _mod("modular_set") self._simplify = _mod("Simplify") self._rewrite_simplify = _mod("rewrite_simplify") self._get_rewrite_simplify_stats = _mod("get_rewrite_simplify_stats") self._reset_rewrite_simplify_stats = _mod("reset_rewrite_simplify_stats") self._canonical_simplify = _mod("canonical_simplify") self._int_set = _mod("int_set") self._enter_constraint_context = _mod("enter_constraint_context") self._can_prove_equal = _mod("can_prove_equal") self._can_prove = _mod("can_prove") self._get_enabled_extensions = _mod("get_enabled_extensions") self._set_enabled_extensions = _mod("set_enabled_extensions")
[文档] def const_int_bound(self, expr): """Find constant integer bound for expr. Parameters ---------- expr : PrimExpr The expression. Returns ------- bound : ConstIntBound The result bound """ return self._const_int_bound(expr)
[文档] def modular_set(self, expr): """Find a modular set that expr belongs to. Parameters ---------- expr : PrimExpr The expression. Returns ------- result : ModularSet The result. """ return self._modular_set(expr)
[文档] def simplify(self, expr, steps=2): """Simplify expression via both rewrite and canonicalization. Parameters ---------- expr : PrimExpr The expression. steps : The simplification runs in the order of rewrite_simplify (step 1) -> canonical_simplify (step 2) -> rewrite_simplify (step 3) -> canonical_simplify (step 4) -> ... param steps controls how many steps to run. Default is 2, i.e., rewrite_simplify + canonical_simplify. Returns ------- result : Expr The result. """ return self._simplify(expr, steps)
[文档] def rewrite_simplify(self, expr): """Simplify expression via rewriting rules. Parameters ---------- expr : PrimExpr The expression. Returns ------- result : Expr The result. """ return self._rewrite_simplify(expr)
@property def rewrite_simplify_stats(self): return self._get_rewrite_simplify_stats() def reset_rewrite_simplify_stats(self): self._reset_rewrite_simplify_stats()
[文档] def canonical_simplify(self, expr): """Simplify expression via canonicalization. Parameters ---------- expr : PrimExpr The expression. Returns ------- result : Expr The result. """ return self._canonical_simplify(expr)
[文档] def int_set(self, expr, dom_map): """Compute a symbolic IntSet that covers expr for all values in dom_map. Parameters ---------- expr : PrimExpr The expression. dom_map : Dict[tvm.tir.Var, tvm.arith.IntSet] The domain for variables to be relaxed. Returns ------- result : IntSet The result. """ return self._int_set(expr, dom_map)
[文档] def can_prove(self, expr, strength=ProofStrength.DEFAULT): """Check whether we can prove expr to be true. Parameters ---------- expr : PrimExpr The expression. strength: ProofStrength The proof strength Returns ------- result : Expr The result. """ return self._can_prove(expr, strength)
[文档] def bind(self, var: tir.Var, expr: Union[tir.PrimExpr, ir.Range]): """Bind a variable to the expression. Parameters ---------- var : tvm.tir.Var The variable. expr : Union[tir.PrimExpr, ir.Range] The expression or the range to bind to. """ return self._bind(var, expr)
[文档] def constraint_scope(self, constraint): """Create a constraint scope. Parameters ---------- constraint : PrimExpr The constraint expression. returns ------- scope : ConstraintScope The constraint scope Examples -------- .. code-block:: python x = te.var("x") analyzer = tvm.arith.Analyzer() with analzyer.constraint_scope(x % 3 == 0): # constraint in effect assert analyzer.modular_set(x).coeff == 3 # constraint no longer in effect assert analyzer.modular_set(x).coeff != 3 """ def _fenter(): return self._enter_constraint_context(constraint) return ConstraintScope(_fenter)
[文档] def update(self, var, info, override=False): """Update infomation about var Parameters ---------- var : tvm.tir.Var The variable. info : tvm.Object Related information. override : bool Whether allow override. """ if isinstance(info, ConstIntBound): self._const_int_bound_update(var, info, override) else: raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle type {}".format(type(info)))
[文档] def can_prove_equal(self, lhs: "PrimExpr", rhs: "PrimExpr"): """Whether we can prove that lhs == rhs Parameters ---------- lhs: PrimExpr The left-hand side of the comparison rhs: PrimExpr The right-hand side of the comparison Returns ------- result: bool Whether we can prove that lhs == rhs """ return self._can_prove_equal(lhs, rhs)
@property def enabled_extensions(self) -> Extension: """Return the currently enabled extensions""" value = self._get_enabled_extensions() return Extension(value) @enabled_extensions.setter def enabled_extensions(self, flags: Union[int, Extension]): """Enable extensions for the analyzer Parameters ---------- flags: Union[int,Extension] The extensions to enable. """ flags = Extension(flags).value self._set_enabled_extensions(flags)