import mlc
import mlc.dataclasses as mlcd
import pytest
from mlc._cython import SYSTEM"""
#include <mlc/core/all.h>
#include <string>

struct MyObj : public mlc::Object {
mlc::Str x;
int32_t y;
MyObj(mlc::Str x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {}
int32_t YPlusOne() const { return y + 1; }
MLC_DEF_DYN_TYPE(MyObj, Object, "mlc.MyObj");

struct MyObjRef : public mlc::ObjectRef {
MLC_DEF_OBJ_REF(MyObjRef, MyObj, mlc::ObjectRef)
    .Field("x", &MyObj::x)
    .FieldReadOnly("y", &MyObj::y)
    .StaticFn("__init__", mlc::InitOf<MyObj, mlc::Str, int32_t>)
    .MemFn("YPlusOne", &MyObj::YPlusOne);
Executing command: /usr/bin/ccache /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-g++-11 -O2 -g -shared -fPIC -std=c++17 -DMLC_COMPILATION=1 -fvisibility=hidden -o -I/media/pc/data/lxw/ai/mlc-python/include -I/media/pc/data/lxw/ai/mlc-python/3rdparty/dlpack/include
class MyObj(mlc.Object):
    x: str
    y: int

    def YPlusOne(self) -> int:
        return type(self)._C(b"YPlusOne", self)

obj = MyObj("hello", 42)
assert obj.x == "hello"
assert obj.y == 42
assert obj.YPlusOne() == 43

obj.x = "world"
assert obj.x == "world"
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    obj.x = 42  # type: ignore[assignment]
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    obj.y = 42
del obj