MSC 工具测试


MSC 工具测试#

%cd ..
import set_env
from import ToolType

MSCTools 与 MSCGraph 协同工作,它们决定压缩策略并控制压缩过程。MSCTools 由 RuntimeManager 管理。

from tvm.contrib.msc.core.transform import msc_transform
from tvm.contrib.msc.core.runtime import create_runtime_manager
from import create_tool, MSC_TOOL

# build runtime manager from module and mscgraphs
optimized_mod, msc_graph, msc_config = msc_transform(mod, params)
rt_manager = create_runtime_manager(optimized_mod, params, msc_config)

# pruner is used for prune the model
rt_manager.create_tool(MSC_TOOL.PRUNE, prune_config)

# quantizer is used to do the calibration and quantize the model
rt_manager.create_tool(MSC_TOOL.QUANTIZE, quantize_config)

# collecter is used to collect the datas of each computational node
rt_manager.create_tool(MSC_TOOL.COLLECT, collect_config)

# distiller is used to do the knowledge distilliation
rt_manager.create_tool(MSC_TOOL.DISTILL, distill_config)


MSCGym 是 MSC 中自动压缩的平台。它的作用类似于 AutoTVM,但其架构更像 OpenAI-Gym。MSCGym 从压缩过程中提取任务,然后利用代理和环境之间的交互来为每个任务找到最佳行动。要使用 MSCGym 进行自动压缩,请为工具设置 gym 配置:

      "quantize": {
        "strategy_file": "msc_quantize.json",
        "target": "tensorrt",