MSC Plugin

MSC Plugin#

import set_env
from pathlib import Path

temp_dir = Path(".temp")

参考:【我与TVM二三事 后篇(5)】MSC之PluginBuilder

from utils import *
from utils import _build_plugin
frameworks = [MSCFramework.TORCH, MSCFramework.TVM]
if tvm.get_global_func("relax.ext.tensorrt", True) is not None:
plugin_root = msc_utils.msc_dir(f"{temp_dir}/msc_plugin")
managers = _build_plugin(frameworks, plugin_root)

# test the plugin load
_test_tvm_plugin(managers[MSCFramework.TVM], "llvm")
if tvm.cuda().exist:
    _test_tvm_plugin(managers[MSCFramework.TVM], "cuda")

# test the plugin with manager
model_info = {
    "inputs": [
        {"name": "input_0", "shape": [1, 3, 224, 224], "dtype": "float32", "layout": "NCHW"}
    "outputs": [
        {"name": "output", "shape": [1, 6, 218, 218], "dtype": "float32", "layout": "NCHW"}
    "nodes": {"total": 4, "input": 1, "msc.conv2d_bias": 1, "MyRelu": 1, "nn.max_pool2d": 1},
_test_with_manager(managers, MSCFramework.TORCH, model_info, temp_dir)
_test_with_manager(managers, MSCFramework.TVM, model_info, temp_dir)
if tvm.get_global_func("relax.ext.tensorrt", True) is not None:
    byoc_info = {
        "inputs": [
            {"name": "input_0", "shape": [1, 3, 224, 224], "dtype": "float32", "layout": "NCHW"}
        "outputs": [
            {"name": "output", "shape": [1, 6, 218, 218], "dtype": "float32", "layout": ""}
        "nodes": {"total": 2, "input": 1, "msc_tensorrt": 1},
    _test_with_manager(managers, MSCFramework.TENSORRT, byoc_info, temp_dir)

Hide code cell output
AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 5
      3     frameworks.append(MSCFramework.TENSORRT)
      4 plugin_root = msc_utils.msc_dir(f"{temp_dir}/msc_plugin")
----> 5 managers = _build_plugin(frameworks, plugin_root)
      7 # test the plugin load
      8 _test_tvm_plugin(managers[MSCFramework.TVM], "llvm")

File /media/pc/data/lxw/ai/tvm-book/doc/tutorials/msc/plugin/, in _build_plugin(frameworks, plugin_root)
    229 install_dir = plugin_root.create_dir("install")
    230 plugin = _create_plugin(externs_dir)
--> 231 managers = build_plugins(plugin, frameworks, install_dir, externs_dir=externs_dir)
    232 return managers

File /media/pc/data/lxw/ai/tvm/python/tvm/contrib/msc/plugin/, in build_plugins(plugins, frameworks, workspace, codegen_config, cpp_print_config, py_print_config, externs_dir, on_debug)
     91 def build_plugins(
     92     plugins: Dict[str, dict],
     93     frameworks: List[str],
     99     on_debug: bool = False,
    100 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    101     """Build the plugins and load plugin manager
    103     Parameters
    125         The plugin managers.
    126     """
--> 128     codegens = _build_plugins(
    129         plugins,
    130         frameworks,
    131         workspace,
    132         codegen_config=codegen_config,
    133         cpp_print_config=cpp_print_config,
    134         py_print_config=py_print_config,
    135         externs_dir=externs_dir,
    136         on_debug=on_debug,
    137     )
    138     managers = {}
    139     for name, codegen in codegens.items():

File /media/pc/data/lxw/ai/tvm/python/tvm/contrib/msc/plugin/, in _build_plugins(plugins, frameworks, workspace, codegen_config, cpp_print_config, py_print_config, externs_dir, on_debug)
     73 codegen = get_codegen(
     74     framework,
     75     workspace,
     81     on_debug=on_debug,
     82 )
     83 if not codegen.libs_built():
---> 84     codegen.build_libs()
     85 if codegen.need_manager and not codegen.manager_built():
     86     codegen.build_manager(ops_info)

File /media/pc/data/lxw/ai/tvm/python/tvm/contrib/msc/plugin/codegen/, in BasePluginCodeGen.build_libs(self)
    125             process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=log_f, stderr=log_f, shell=True)
    126         process.wait()
--> 127         assert (
    128             process.returncode == 0
    129         ), "Failed to build plugin under {}, check codegen.log for detail".format(
    130             os.getcwd()
    131         )
    132     self._libs.extend([os.path.basename(l) for l in self._lib_folder.listdir()])
    133 return self._lib_folder.listdir(as_abs=True)

AssertionError: Failed to build plugin under /media/pc/data/lxw/ai/tvm-book/doc/tutorials/msc/plugin/.temp/msc_plugin/install/source_torch/build, check codegen.log for detail