
标量类型表示查询叶部分的具体值。例如,在下面的查询中,name 字段将解析为标量类型(在这种情况下,它是 String 类型):

Loading GraphiQL...
{ user { name } }
{ "data": { "user": { "name": "Patrick" } } }


  • String, maps to Python’s str

  • Int, a signed 32-bit integer, maps to Python’s int

  • Float, a signed double-precision floating-point value, maps to Python’s float

  • Boolean, true or false, maps to Python’s bool

  • ID, a specialised String for representing unique object identifiers

  • Date, an ISO-8601 encoded date

  • DateTime, an ISO-8601 encoded datetime

  • Time, an ISO-8601 encoded time

  • Decimal, a Decimal value serialized as a string

  • UUID, a UUID value serialized as a string

  • Void, always null, maps to Python’s None

字段可以通过使用 Python 等效函数返回内置标量:

import datetime
import decimal
import uuid
import strawberry

class Product:
    id: uuid.UUID
    name: str
    stock: int
    is_available: bool
    available_from: datetime.date
    same_day_shipping_before: datetime.time
    created_at: datetime.datetime
    price: decimal.Decimal
    void: None
type Product {
  id: UUID!
  name: String!
  stock: Int!
  isAvailable: Boolean!
  availableFrom: Date!
  sameDayShippingBefore: Time!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  price: Decimal!
  void: Void


import datetime
import strawberry

class Query:
    def one_week_from(self, date_input: datetime.date) -> datetime.date:
        return date_input + datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)


可以为模式创建自定义标量,以表示数据模型中的特定类型。这有助于让客户知道对于特定的字段可以期望得到什么样的数据。要自定义标量,您需要给它名称和函数,告诉 Strawberry 如何序列化和反序列化该类型。例如,这里有自定义标量类型来表示 Base64 字符串:

import base64
from typing import NewType

import strawberry

Base64 = strawberry.scalar(
    NewType("Base64", bytes),
    serialize=lambda v: base64.b64encode(v).decode("utf-8"),
    parse_value=lambda v: base64.b64decode(v).encode("utf-8"),

class Query:
    def base64(self) -> Base64:
        return Base64(b"hi")

schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)

result = schema.execute_sync("{ base64 }")

assert results.data == {"base64": "aGk="}


Base16Base32Base64 标量类型在 strawberry.scalars 中可用

from strawberry.scalars import Base16, Base32, Base64

JSONScalar 示例#

import json
from typing import Any, NewType

import strawberry

JSON = strawberry.scalar(
    NewType("JSON", object),
    description="The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by ECMA-404",
    serialize=lambda v: v,
    parse_value=lambda v: v,


class Query:
    def data(self, info) -> JSON:
        return {"hello": {"a": 1}, "someNumbers": [1, 2, 3]}
Loading GraphiQL...
{ ExampleDataQuery { data } }
{ "data": { "hello": { "a": 1 }, "someNumbers": [1, 2, 3] } }


JSON 标量类型在 strawberry.scalars 中可用。

from strawberry.scalars import JSON


要覆盖内置标量的行为,可以将覆盖映射传递给您的模式。下面是完整的例子,将内置的 DateTime 标量替换为将所有 datetimes 序列化为 unix 时间戳的标量:

from datetime import datetime, timezone
import strawberry

# Define your custom scalar
EpochDateTime = strawberry.scalar(
    serialize=lambda value: int(value.timestamp()),
    parse_value=lambda value: datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value), timezone.utc),

class Query:
    def current_time(self) -> datetime:
        return datetime.now()

schema = strawberry.Schema(
        datetime: EpochDateTime,
result = schema.execute_sync("{ currentTime }")
assert result.data == {"currentTime": 1628683200}